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neptune conjunct descendant transit

Its a good time to be alone and meditate on the meaning of your life and what you are doing with it. It may be a more difficult path toward having changes occur when you speak to that Immune System Guardian from disappointment and anger, from judgment and blame you can see that it weakens your partnership. You mentioned that you look for a savior or may be seen as a savior. Marrying a castaway. Neptune tunes out and no longer wants to work so hard. You may actually dream up your ideal partner and experience unconditional love. You seek unity with others. I asked her to let the small vessel of personal love and attachment burst so that she could expand her heart to encompass all. All rights reserved. The Empath those who have at the core of their nature the innate ability to receive energy, information, awareness from others. It dances with your fears, it dances with your stresses. Low normal is not normal! There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. But, I was tired of doing it alone. This interpretation of Pluto in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Somewhere, nowhere, always, sometime, never etc. Neptune dissolves your boundaries and leaves the body vulnerable hence the weight gain so that the body can protect itself from pain and negative energy. Remember, Neptune dissolves all that is not real in our lives just let it go! Yet this is our moment of greatest potential access to the Sacred, the living Spirit. The stressful aspects (square and opposition . That is part of your job, your discoveries. You may start a relationship feeling sorry for someone but end up feeling sorry for yourself. Is a part of me fearing what happened to Mother? You can learn many things about yourself. In writing my monthly e-column, my interpretation was tailored to the requirements of the editor. I bought clematis extract straight away. The main source, as I see from Neptune, is bacterial overgrowth. I have always read with some wonder as people complain about Saturn. You fall in love with an unattainable spiritual guru. It may be that the outcome seems as if ones body is working against you. It takes a little practice but I must be honest with myself, my needs and wants. Now you are going to come into your own period of more conscious honing of these abilities. I also gravitated to ordering some Bach remedies and Australian Bush Essences which I actually received yesterday. They experienced a shared awakening (Neptune conjunct Descendant). Give it away now. Endless compassion. Neptune has been floating around my descendant for years. High blood acidity which leaves you vulnerable to colds and flu. Youre in a relationship coma. When I had returned from Europe in December 1996, a friend was startled by what she perceived as my energies having changed drastically. Natal Neptune's opposite ascendant and conjunct descendant adds a unique flavour to an individual's personality. I have an article on WEIGHT LOSS AND THE TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS. The 150 aspects portends events over which we have no control. This conflict between your worldly attachments and your best lifes path will go smoother if you use this period as a learning experience to enrich your inner spirit. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. Both levels need to be addressed. You can easily get carried away by certain fantasies, idealism or situations that are unrealistic and useless. Yet, I have actually lost weight despite the transit from Neptune letting go of the boundary that weight provides. Any planet conjunct an angle will have an pronounced affect on a persons life. You dont have to let your partners distort your self-image. Thanks for taking the time to respond. This man also gave me a bad check! Everyone has a different Ascendant so will have this transit at different times in their lives. Thinking of the Immune System as a sea, gives you an image not of an even plane, but an element within yourself that is in motion and more so, this motion is natural, an expression of the natural way for the Immune System to be. As you learn, remember the idea of the sea, of multiplicity. Neptune affects our hormones. This lowers your defenses and makes you more susceptible to being taken advantage of. Currently Im making biochar for soil rememdiation. Neptune stays in the same zodiac sign for around 14 years, and it goes retrograde once a year (but it is retrograde for almost half of this period). The conjunctions and oppositions of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC of one of the partners with the Vertex of the other indicate that very important events in the life of both partners will occur in connection with their relationship. Looking to apply for phd. This is a time when extreme idealism and a tendency towards spirituality or mysticism can be incorporated into your daily life. The change was necessary and I did feel ungrounded as my furniture and bed were in the yard. Neptune there indicates that intuition and creativity were suppressed for more practical endeavors. The family was so excited that I was doing this. Dont pretend that something doesnt bother you if it does, especially in romantic relationships. This could actually work in your favor depending on . The physical crises seemed to connect me to the planet. This became an important factor in the workshops I participated in people would lock into the imagery given in the tape and become confused when their own imagery was different. They could no longer be contained by the magazines limited format. Put some under your tongue every morning. This will be the motivating force that will pull these two planets together. They would state what they wanted, and then said, Dont you agree? So, I had to be strong and say that I dont agree and show them the other side of things they need to be looking at., Great analogy on Neptune/Saturn, using it in creative ways. A widow or widower. If you speak in such a way and then engage, invite, ask of the Immune System: What can we do? Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! German rail company Deutsche Bahn is known for its efficient and comfortable service. You may become interested in helping those who need it and increasing your compassionate and spiritual sense. I missed my friend, Jindra, after she left early in the morning. This is not its nature. When he left, I felt so alone, so lonely, that I never wanted to feel this way again. He needs to concentrate on what he needs to do in preparation of the transplant, which will hopefully take place over the next couple of months. Neptune conjunct the descendant (or in the 7th house) will impact every relationship you form, in one way or the other. It is not giving up to a lack. Oil. The basic treatment for this is Armour Thyroid. It offers many different types of rail transportation, including ICE or Intercity-Express for high-speed services between major cities and regions, IC (InterCity) for long-distance trains, RE (Regional Express) trains that connect regions and cities, and the S-Bahn rapid transit service. Neptune conjunct Ascendant transit brings confusion, deception, and disappointment to your close one-to-one relationships. In fact as a child I could not see through the fog of it. So maybe it is because of Neptunes retrograde motion. These are: On April 3, 1997, under a Neptune transit, a friend developed fibromyalgia, a very common and painful ailment that has no cure or no known cause. Plus Neptune transit conjunct Pisces moon in 4th house. I believe that, around the age of 4 years, when the transiting Saturn crossed my Ascendant and the Solar Arc Venus crossed Transpluto, I learned to put up barriers I did not want closeness with anyone, I pushed my mother away and I started to gain weight to reinforce the barrier that I desperately needed to survive on planet Earth. With the minor afflictions, it is essential that you do not get involved with any situation that is not clear or directly involving yourself or it will become a hard aspect! The partners problems continually erode your foundation. With new relationships, you should ask yourself why they want to be your friend or partner. You and your partner are probably easily influenced by each other. Yet, even in Slovenia, people were friendly and I met a wonderful gentleman at breakfast who spent the day showing me around Ljubljana. And roughly squares natal Neptune conjunct MC. Some marriage partners are well-matched in this area as was the case with Anthony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret. It may feel dangerously delicious, and there may be an almost Dracula-like, hypnotic, devouring quality to the relationship. Transducing -stepping down the energy. Longings that will never be fulfilled. Thank you for watching! Your partner is an alcoholic. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. Anthony had Neptune opposite Ascendant (011). I take Blackberry and Madia to help me to focus mentally while under the Neptune transit. Initially, I feel lost without them yet I know that Neptune always works to our long-term benefit. Years ago, I was advised not to renovate my home under a Neptune transit as it will make me feel more disconnected and ungrounded. Topic: Neptune conjunct Descendant : FieryAries9108 Knowflake . Gradually you will learn that you are a source of a spiritual truth, and that you can question what others tell you. The fog made it impossible! ORGANIC COCOA: In Germany, research found that cocoa taken 3 times a day would benefit chronic fatigue, depression and high blood pressure. Build trust and keep the channels of communication open and free of interference like gossip and lies. However, the interesting thing is that, before the transit was over, my original goal then suddenly did work out exactly as I had hoped at the time. When the individual cannot concentrate, when there is low mental energy and when the individual is too easily distracted in the thinking, leaving lots of unfinished projects and tasks, Madia disciplines the mind with greater focus and concentration. This made me feel more disconnected because I regained some of the weight that I lost during the trip. But for the moment she was left alone, waiting, longing, with everything up in the air. I see that I am not spelling the word correctly but no spell-check on my website. Any relationships that remain should be those that help you free yourself and enrich your inner spirit. Indeed my life has seen its share of nebulous and nefarious people who were somehow connected to me spiritually. Because Neptune can drain ones energy level, feeling a fatigue and lethargy, I take and strongly recommend Mountain Pride and Tanzy (FES). What about Neptune on the Descendant? Now I realize that Neptune had dissolved the psychological and etherio-physiological boundaries that I had developed over a lifetime to keep people away, to protect me from the intrusion of others and to serve as a barrier to protect me from being controlled by others (a defense used to protect me from an over-whelming mother3). Home / Aspects / Neptune Aspects / Neptune Opposite Ascendant. My family left inheritances so that I do not have to work. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. I was no longer limited by the editor of this magazine. Also, my mind is foggy about making decisions about life, and Ive been a bit loner and an isolated person. The more you practice ego detachment, the more freedom youll have to do what you want. I had always tried to make decisions on the basis of what was the right thing to do and suddenly I doubted what the right thing was. If I ate, she could eat yet I did not feel connected because my mother always criticized me for my weight, took me to the doctor as a child for a dietfor me, not her. In my life Neptune (and its negative themes) has been a much bigger problem and Saturn has often been my savior! Their marriage continued and reached a new level of commitment and devotion. In various situations, I felt either excluded or abandoned. Merging with the opposite. I did not want to travel alone. Her life has been very different from the one that she would have lived if she had remained in Hungary. Under Neptune, it is making me sad. When Neptune began opposing my natal Venus at 29 Cancer, initially, fellow astrologers told me that I was going to be flooded with hot honeys and the illusion of glamor. I take 2 capsules every day. 1 Other applicable addictions that I have observed are Alcoholic, Workaholic, Shopaholic, Obsessions with Neatness and many Phobias based upon a need to be in control. The ability to change the energy, which is part-conscious, part-energetic, and can be initiated by conscious will and thought. The difference between an Empath and a Channel is that the channel most often is aware that they are receptive, that energy flows through channels, and usually the channel recognizes a distinction between the channel and the energy being channeled or received. I have Neptune on DSC and I know exactly what you mean by saying being the one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. Vesta Aspecting Neptune: Neptune rules dreams and imagination. In the late 1980s, Neptune crossed my mothers Capricorn ASC. A near-by Shoppers Food Warehouse is very multi-cultural and the people are naturally friendly. Attracted to media. Technical support I have always been disconnected. Having a small bar for drinks, we were able to socialize and it was there that we met Vera Love, a blues singer, from North Carolina, who appears nightly at the Eden Bar. I discussed this phenomena at a workshop in Richmond, Virginia. All of the people that I queried were Neptunian who suffered interminably from a condition that Elisabeth Fitzhugh refers to as being an Empath. Empaths are people carrying the energy of receptivity in the essence of their Being. After the first day, my friend was amazed, Lynn, these people really love you they really do love you! She could see the difference in the relationships. Personally, I use this Neptune checklist: Am I coping adequately with material reality? If you are such a person, you are likely to be a born mystic. You can learn why you are drawn to certain foods. Which is an uber slow motion experience several years of this as Neptune takes 14 years to pass thru Pisces, on top of that the Asc/Dsc takes 16-20 years to progress each sign. On an emotional level she felt sadness and abandonment. Perfection is also like the sea a moving, variable element, that is at times calm and still; at other times rolling and flowing; and at other times still, crashing and powerful. In thinking on my involvement with the Monroe Institutes Positive Immunity Program, I came to see again the sympatico link between my work with Orion over the years and the Hemi-Sync approach. I did not have any social connections in the city on this trip but we found friends. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the seventh house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. Several things happened my dad had a very successful by-pass surgery. The difficulty, of course, is that there is then a confusion of what is in the original sponge and that which is filling it. The minor afflictions such as the 45, 135 and 150 degree aspects indicate deceptive situations that occurAROUNDyou but not involving you directly. Do I have something in my natal chart interacting with these transiting aspects, which is why I get these emails? As a 12th House person with strong Uranus aspects to my natal planets, I cannot be connected with people all the time. It has been an ocean of tears, hypersensitivity and lack of clarity. His recommendation is to take 2 pills when you first get up and then 2 more around 11am. Our job now is to seek greater vision, and to experience wholeness by dissolving our boundaries as we merge into the great ocean. This was MY healing aspect. Ive played both. Acceptance is, instead, honoring that you are part of many things and many aspects of living and that the conscious mind and the conscious self often can only see a certain view at a certain time. We have learned that the best way to lose weight quickly is to go on a trip and walk. Soul friends. Connected to what some may think of as the soul, what others may think of as the All of you. Dissolution of Boundaries These tend to end in drama-filled watershed moments that reveal all the dirt that lay below the surface and their real intentions, which are very often unconscious to them but toxic for me. Unfortunately, I never had to cultivate social skills beyond astrology. If you're drawn to escapist routes because you don't know how to deal with it, let me invite you to realize that flowing with emotion and energy is a healthy outcome of this transit. It does seem like quite a powerful transit that will be around for some time. Failing to see your relationship opportunities. Then because you have this perspective, you will start to see and comprehend your own actions, and how energy comes to you and you will find the mechanisms, devices, the structures that will help you work with your selves. The fall from grace was like a witch hunt and then burned on a pyre in the end. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. 5HTP is the source for this. After all, its about giving structure to the nebulous. Transit Jupiter to Natal Neptune With transit Jupiter conjunct your natal Neptune, you're more generous, empathic, and helpful. When I returned home, I was alone. In Berlin, my friend Astrid arranged more social situations and I connected and re-connected with many wonderful people. It feels like Ive lost my mind, but Im enjoying it too much to care . This is a good time to let go of things from your past that are holding you back. When transiting Neptune is opposite your natal ascendant, your intimate relationships are being tested and can get difficult and confusing. She visited Politics and Prose Bookshop for hear a book discussion and connected with mentally stimulating, like-minded friends. A woman had transiting Neptune conjunct natal Sun for two years: She experienced deep meditation and said that she felt the presence of God. For example, if the Neptune person's 7th house is ruled by Neptune, and is conjunct another person's South Node, these two were likely married in the past, and might rekindle their relationship in this life. Ted needed to come to grips with his addictions and to find healthier expressions of his desire for ecstasy and expanded consciousness. In women, this can cause menstrual cramping and osteoporosis. My career was at the crossroads for the last few years, but now, I've firmly decided to chase my dreams - of being a teacher (something that i've been naturally good at, all along). Ive always been a dreamer with ideals and abilities, but they have been unrealized and intangible so far. You may need to spend plenty of time alone to recuperate your energies. I thought that this would be the end of our group. It has set a standard in my relationships by which I can never settle for less. Brainstorm: Moon/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Neptune. The absolute best dark chocolate in terms of flavanols is MONTEZUMAS DARK CHOCOLATE ABSOLUTE BLACK 100% I do not eat a lot of chocolate so I take this in a capsule form as Cocoavia from the Mars Company. Neptune in Pisces has been a difficult transit for many people. You may become confused about about your lifes path. You may not be able to communicate or you may feel misunderstood. Hopeless love. Engage yourself as a team in the process. You can offer help as long as you feel truly free to do so. But you should not expect too much from others now. During this trip, I felt totally connected for 24/7 and it was a positive, reassuring, supporting connection. For women in the 40s, strong Neptune transits can trigger the onset of menopause. You must be careful when asking for advice or associating with people you dont know. You have absorbed qualities from each and then feel torn between this or that. When I was in high school, I studied astrology and I discovered for the first time how to connect with people. Hints come into the conscious mind that something other than the self is interacting in their lives. Other people get washed away. Being in love allows you to let go of previous self-conceptions. Think of the Immune System as a guide; as a part of you that is very knowing, a part of you that you can speak with. A woman with Neptune contra-parallel her 6th House Saturn believed that her supervisor was going to promote her as promised. Even a woman who had her thyroid removed many years earlier showed normal T levels. They were able to reconnect to the awareness of loving each others being or essence beyond form and beyond desire. Your email address will not be published. The Losers, Moochers and Skeezers would sense that the vulnerable person had no protection, no boundaries, and move right in! You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. Failing to acknowledge people in your life who are contenders for a real relationship. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. Merging with the divine. Mutables, Water signs, the 2nd House, the Moon and Neptune all rule the lymphatic system. However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. In each city, I would connect with so-called strangers who willingly took me in and befriended me. If you are the partner that cheats and lies your way to a free meal then its time for a reality check. A loving marriage can become more romantic and spiritual. What about NNeptune2H Scorpio opposite NMars 8H Taurus. Your email address will not be published. Effector or Affected, continued. Do the best you can, keep plugging and youll get through. Save 35% off reports! The eclipse falls on my descendant, also conjunct natal virgo sun and mercury. With major disappointment in a significant relationship and life in general. When Neptune was in my 5th house I picked all the wrong partners. Friends, colleagues, neighbors, or siblings have an increased level of influence in your lifeeven to the point that you can be blind to think they're anything other than blameless. Consider that what seems simple is always part of complexity and multiplicity. That this was her task and her path to awakeningto be unconditional love (Venus-Neptune). It feels just like sliding your foot into a comfortable bedroom slipper, as the etheric body slips back into the dense physical body. Self-help in a positive way is highlighted now. What you really need is a huge state of the art media room. A great web of interconnections. After contracting the Epstein-Barr Virus in 2004, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yet people with Neptune in the 12th have a strong connection with other dimensions which make them afraid. I will question to learn more but I understand there may be a harmony here I cannot see. If a close relationship deteriorates now, you may feel that you dont understand why its ending. It is possible with Neptune opposite Ascendant to find a happy balance. I may have an article on the lymphatic system on this website but my house is being renovated and I cannot access all of my files. The impression you make on others will change. Your close friends dont judge you. TANSY (FES): An imbalance causes lethargy, procrastination, the inability to take straightforward action and forms habits and patterns that undermine or subvert the intention of the Self. Events that call upon you to meet challenges, to feel emotions, call upon you to redefine, perhaps, yourself, your goals or your understandings. This aspect can indicate unconditional love and inspiring your partner, however, it can also indicate that the Juno person has illusions about the Neptune person. All of these questions need to be asked and often; for when you are working with changes in the body it is not a single thing. Instead we feel porous, liquid, fluid, yielding. The opposite point is the anti Vertex, which will always fall into the exact opposite house and sign. Part of her transformation was a profound transmutation of sexual energy. With transit Neptune conjunct your natal Sun, you're more sensitive emotionally and to the subtle shifts in the universe. Going from intense connectedness to disconnectedness caused me to experience something I initially thought was a serious depression, although I had lots of energy. I was isolated by my environment because I lived on a farm. This description applies for any of these transits: This is a test on your ability to let go of attachment to material things or even certain personal relationships. . Buy it now on here: htt. transit Neptune semisquare natal ascendant, transit Neptune sesquisquare natal ascendant. It's typical for Neptune on the Descendant to not acknowledge its tendency to escape commitment. Uranus is about to conjunct my MC (around June 10th) I have house 10 in Aries. Neptune is a spiritual planet and you cannot make spiritual progress without a spiritual test of some sort. Thanks for insights, it feels like being seen. Space Ghost. You're extremely sensitized to your surroundings. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) tend to increase the ability to focus the imagination. Trying again now. Thanks for that extra paragraph, Jamie. You fall in love with a wanderer whos as intangible as the wind. The transiting South Node, by house or by conjunction, reveals the area (s) in which the dragon's tail is sweeping up karmic debris. I Love Burdock. Somehow (somehow is a process ruled by Neptune) I have spent my life honing the other senses like a blind man compensates for poor sight. I have observed that there are general health vulnerabilities that always accompany the Neptune transit. I carried a lot of weight as a child for protection but this also further compounded the alienation and disconnection from others. They manifest symptoms: Being lost in thought, absent-minded and inattentive, appears slightly confused, little reaction to events, good or bad, a floating sensation, poor memory, poor body image causing the individual to bump into things, visual or hearing problems. Oh my! A man in the bar whom we presumed was the house gigolo told us a history of the hotel, local gossip and many personal stories. You can appear to others as completely different from how you've been, donning a new persona and vision of yourself like a costume. We probably did not look like we belonged but, when Vera Love walked in and called out, Hey Girls!, we were the most important people in the loungewe were friends of Vera Love, referred to as The Boss, who sings in Vienna during the tourist season. Indeed, the impression you give to others is changing during this transit. MaintainETHICS! This is a great time if you're an artist of any kind. Im wrestling with this very set up in the Canadian Progressed Chart. Is a part of me remembering what happened to Grandfather? Neptune is only strong when it is aspecting planets in your chart. Under a Neptune transit, these solutions that work on the subtle bodies are more powerful than a prescription drug. If you attract dishonest people, look within yourself to find the reason for this. the two planets have done quiet a damage during their transit through my sixth house so I am scarred of what the conjunction to descendant and square to natal pluto will bring. If not old enough to retire, then the individual longs for a career change. SHOP NOW 35% off reports through March 22nd Dismiss. Your partner accepts you as you are which makes you want to accept them as they are. She was a stripper and visited her clients with drugs. You need to make your own chart here. The Descendant sits on the cusp of the 7th house opposite the Ascendant and represents partnerships (both in business and marriage) and what we look for in other people, most . Thank you Jamie, this in my natal. . After this transit passes, you must evaluate these new teachings with your own intellect and experience. There is an amino acid that repairs the lining but I cannot think of it. To cope with the changes and the feeling of isolation, she reconnected with places that offered friendship, fellowship and connectedness in her old neighborhood. When Neptune opposed Pluto in my chart, I had been writing a Sun-sign column for DC-ONEmagazine. During CV19, I spray regular colloidal silver up my nose esp. *shudders*. Instead, I chose to try to evoke the highest possible meaning of the transit and of her natal Venus-Neptune. A partner introduces you to a spiritual path. You may actually dream up your ideal partner and experience unconditional love. Then, just as I felt that my feet were firmly planted on the ground, another lesson came regarding sharing my space with others. More importantly, in an Empathic society individuals are taught how to work with the energy; learning that received energy is then transmuted, changed, translated. This placement works two ways; you become the used or the user. In a job, you may take one set of information and make a translation for another group. In your chart, if Neptune is well aspected will indicate a great inner sensitivity, to manifest . Surely this transit has ways of manifesting positivity?

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neptune conjunct descendant transit

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